!Roger dobla su voz en español!

El conductor de "Zapping Zone" y participante del equipo azul en los Disney Channel Games se lo escuchará doblado con su voz original en los juegos que comienzan a transmitirse el próximo lunes en el Zapping.

Roger tuvo llamado esta semana para doblar su voz al español y que esté todo listo para el evento más importante en Disney Channel. Todas las estrellas de Disney Channel se reúnen para competir durante dos semanas en diferentes juegos.

Los juegos se éste año son los siguientes:

Extreme Rock Paper Scissors Players will compete 1-on-1 at classical Rock-Paper-Scissors; however, if it ends in a tie, the players will joust over it.

Outrageous Obstacle Course (Roger participa) Two players go head to head in a giant inflatable obstacle course.

Dance Dunk-off In this judged event players will have to show off their dancing skills and then their dunking skills on a modified (padded & shorter) basketball rim.

Extreme Egg Toss (Roger participa) Players toss eggs and try to catch them.

Dunk Tank (Roger participa) Players from all teams go up against players from other teams and try to hit a target on the booth.

Hamster Ball Bowling Players are enclosed inside a giant ball and roll towards giant pins and attempt to knock them down

Super Soccer (Roger participa) Players score 'goals' with a huge inflatable soccer ball. One of the best game rated.

Simon Says (Roger participa) In this game of Simon Says, Brian Stepanek is Simon and he controls what the players do and not do.

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